Has watching movies ever changed the way we viewed a problem? Have we ever encountered a situation differently or have films made it possible for us to take a new perspective on what was going on in our lives? For our mental health, watching movies is a great, and most importantly, ubiquitous tool. That is why more and more psychologists are devoting themselves to cinema therapy to supplement their work with patients.

Watching movies enables viewers, in this case patients, to take in very different information. When we watch a movie, we have an auditory, visual, interpersonal, and intrapsychic experience. In other words, “cinetherapy”, as it is commonly called, can turn psychological treatment into a space for holistic and intercessory learning.

Benefits to our mental health watching movies

Personal reflection in cinema therapy

When we watch a film, we usually put ourselves in the shoes of the protagonist. We try to see with his eyes and how he thinks. For people in therapy, this practice helps in the sense of introspection. By breaking away from yourself, you can learn to better understand your present and future thoughts and feelings.

How we can use films for our mental health

The patient and therapist should have a discussion before watching the film. Among other things, it clarifies that you will consciously analyze the film while you are watching it. In this way the therapist can observe and study his patient’s reaction.

After watching the film , the patient should explain the connections and similarities that he sees between the film and his life. It is often helpful when he tries to identify with one or more people in the film. The therapist should also encourage the patient to use their imagination .

Empathy and a new perspective

This technique has several advantages. One of these is the opportunity to improve the patient’s social and communication skills. Films show the patient situations that require empathy. In this way you can make him aware of his own feelings and wishes.

Films also help the patient put the Theory of Mind into practice. This describes the ability to understand one’s own emotional processes. And not only that, but also other people’s thoughts and feelings. In addition, this technique helps by offering concrete situations, failures, and solutions. All of this can be achieved while patient and therapist watch moving images and moving dialogue like ‘ convert Youtube ‘ the patient and  therapist can enjoy watching  . That is the magic of the film, which helps the patient focus on the issue at hand.

Cinetherapy is not very well known yet. Nevertheless, it is used by more and more psychologists as part of a comprehensive treatment. However, it is important not to use them on patients with psychotic disorders. In such cases it could not be proven that the cinema therapy would have any benefit.

